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Administrative problems of the river basin surveys.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Latin American Antiquity ; v.28; n.3Detalles de publicación: Washington : Society for American Archaeology, 1963.Descripción: pp. 277-281 ; 28 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 930.1
Resumen: Within the River Basin Surveys, Smithsonian Institution, administration and scientific research are closely integrated but separate efforts. The one depends upon the other and vice versa, throughout yet they require different kinds of orientation. This basic principle of simultaneous integration and separation can and should be applied to all anthropological research. Problems that must be met in administration are those of finance and the fiscal year, personnel procedures, supply and equipment, geography and logistics, coordination of scientific needs and available funds and finally specimen and record processing. All of these have their special aspects in the River Basin Surveys but apply in general to all phases of anthropological research.
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CDE CDE Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Revistas CDE-5183 1 ejm. Disponible MUSEFCDE005361

Within the River Basin Surveys, Smithsonian Institution, administration and scientific research are closely integrated but separate efforts. The one depends upon the other and vice versa, throughout yet they require different kinds of orientation. This basic principle of simultaneous integration and separation can and should be applied to all anthropological research. Problems that must be met in administration are those of finance and the fiscal year, personnel procedures, supply and equipment, geography and logistics, coordination of scientific needs and available funds and finally specimen and record processing. All of these have their special aspects in the River Basin Surveys but apply in general to all phases of anthropological research.


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