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Making a meal out of Mahamaes: a reply to knapp´s "prehistoric flood management on the peruvian coast". Richard T. Smith

Por: Tipo de material: ArtículoArtículoIdioma: Inglés Series no.1 | Soociety for American Archaeology ; Detalles de publicación: Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1983.Descripción: páginas.147-149: ilustraciones en blanco y negroTema(s): En: Society for American Archaeology American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American ArchaeologyResumen: While acknowledging the possible former role of floodwater in Chilca´s sunken fields, this paper expresses concern about the limited and inconclusive evidence that knapp presents in support of floodwater management. Too much reliance is placed upon inferences from integrated field layout while we still appear to lack either unequivocal and consistent stratigraphic evidence or firsthand experience of river flloding at Chilca. It is also doubtful whether one can legitimately assess the archaeological or hydraulic status of these fields without considering the wider context of local irrigated farming, the perenal source of underground water, and the near certainty that fishing rather than agriculture was the subsistance base in such localities without perennail streams. Existencias: 1
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Publicaciones Periodicas Extranjeras Publicaciones Periodicas Extranjeras Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Centro de procesamiento Revistas E/ AMER-ANT/ vol.48(1)/ Jan.1983 no.1 1 Disponible HEMREV012693

While acknowledging the possible former role of floodwater in Chilca´s sunken fields, this paper expresses concern about the limited and inconclusive evidence that knapp presents in support of floodwater management. Too much reliance is placed upon inferences from integrated field layout while we still appear to lack either unequivocal and consistent stratigraphic evidence or firsthand experience of river flloding at Chilca. It is also doubtful whether one can legitimately assess the archaeological or hydraulic status of these fields without considering the wider context of local irrigated farming, the perenal source of underground water, and the near certainty that fishing rather than agriculture was the subsistance base in such localities without perennail streams.

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