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Reports. Effects of ecological and paleoecological patterns on subsistance and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Frances B. King

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: ArtículoArtículoIdioma: Inglés Series American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American Archaeology ; no.1 | Soociety for American Archaeology ; Detalles de publicación: Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1981.Descripción: páginas 128-142: ilustraciones blanco y negroTema(s): En: Society for American Archaeology American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American ArchaeologyResumen: Spatial and temporal variations in human populations are to a large extent, determined vy the environmentally controlled distribution of biotic and abiotic resources. While archaeologists generally recognize this relationship, many fail to fully appreciate the complexity of either the changing environment, the ecological literature, or applications of ecological data to archaeological problems. It is important to apply modern ecological principles to archaeological problems, but the novelty of the principle should not preclude the nature of the problem to be solbed. For example, the concepts of ecotone and edge effect are still applicable to archaeological problems to be solved concerning biotic boundaries such as those between forest and grassland even though it may be more appropriate to use an individualistic approach in research designs concerned with difuse environmental and biotic gradients.
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Publicaciones Periodicas Extranjeras Publicaciones Periodicas Extranjeras Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Centro de procesamiento REV E/ AME-ANT/ vol.46(1)/ Jan.1981 1 Disponible HEMREV005119

Spatial and temporal variations in human populations are to a large extent, determined vy the environmentally controlled distribution of biotic and abiotic resources. While archaeologists generally recognize this relationship, many fail to fully appreciate the complexity of either the changing environment, the ecological literature, or applications of ecological data to archaeological problems. It is important to apply modern ecological principles to archaeological problems, but the novelty of the principle should not preclude the nature of the problem to be solbed. For example, the concepts of ecotone and edge effect are still applicable to archaeological problems to be solved concerning biotic boundaries such as those between forest and grassland even though it may be more appropriate to use an individualistic approach in research designs concerned with difuse environmental and biotic gradients.

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