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Reports. Ancient human remains from Central Perú. Diane E. Beynon

Por: Tipo de material: ArtículoArtículoIdioma: Inglés Series American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American Archaeology ; no.1 | Soociety for American Archaeology ; Detalles de publicación: Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1981.Descripción: páginas 167-178: ilustraciones blanco y negroTema(s): En: Society for American Archaeology American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American ArchaeologyResumen: Within the past 10 to 15 years human remains of great antiquity have been found in archaeological sities located in the higghlands and coastal are aof central Peru. The remains in this study have assigned radiocarbon dates of 6000-10.000 B.P. and consist of four naturally mummified human bodies and four virtually complete skeletons. They represent some of the oldest skeletal remains and centainly the oldest preerved bodies hitherto found in South America. While the paleopathological and tomographic analyses of the bodies is presently in progress, this report describes the archaeological context of the entire sample and presents a descriptive analysis of the skeletal material. Age, sex, stature, and general pathology are discussed.
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Publicaciones Periodicas Extranjeras Publicaciones Periodicas Extranjeras Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Centro de procesamiento REV E/ AME-ANT/ vol.46(1)/ Jan.1981 1 Disponible HEMREV005119

Within the past 10 to 15 years human remains of great antiquity have been found in archaeological sities located in the higghlands and coastal are aof central Peru. The remains in this study have assigned radiocarbon dates of 6000-10.000 B.P. and consist of four naturally mummified human bodies and four virtually complete skeletons. They represent some of the oldest skeletal remains and centainly the oldest preerved bodies hitherto found in South America. While the paleopathological and tomographic analyses of the bodies is presently in progress, this report describes the archaeological context of the entire sample and presents a descriptive analysis of the skeletal material. Age, sex, stature, and general pathology are discussed.

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