The behavioral approach to lithics and the use of ethnographic analogy: a comment on odell.
Rowland Sabo, Deborah
The behavioral approach to lithics and the use of ethnographic analogy: a comment on odell. Deborah Rowland Sabo - Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1982. - páginas 187-191: ilustraciones en blanco y negro. - Trimestral - vol.47; n.1 (Jan.1982) - American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American Archaeology ; no.1 . - Soociety for American Archaeology. .
George Odell´s article calls attention to the need for more creative uses of the results of lithic use wear studies. However, the structure of his argument is precarious because it is based on a hierarchy of assumptions about the stone tools themselves, as well as about the behavioral contexts of their use. A major failing of the argument is the lack of a rigorous methodology for construction and application of ethnographic analogies. The present comment argues for the use of general analogy, based on consideration of a range pertinent ethnographic examples.
The behavioral approach to lithics and the use of ethnographic analogy: a comment on odell. Deborah Rowland Sabo - Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1982. - páginas 187-191: ilustraciones en blanco y negro. - Trimestral - vol.47; n.1 (Jan.1982) - American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American Archaeology ; no.1 . - Soociety for American Archaeology. .
George Odell´s article calls attention to the need for more creative uses of the results of lithic use wear studies. However, the structure of his argument is precarious because it is based on a hierarchy of assumptions about the stone tools themselves, as well as about the behavioral contexts of their use. A major failing of the argument is the lack of a rigorous methodology for construction and application of ethnographic analogies. The present comment argues for the use of general analogy, based on consideration of a range pertinent ethnographic examples.