Conceiving relatedness :
Bamford, Sandra.
Conceiving relatedness : Non-Substantial relations among the Kamea of Papua New Guinea. - Norwich-ENK : Page Bros, 2004. - p. 287-306 : il. - Trimestral - Vol. 10, no. 2, (Jun.2004) - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute. Incorporating Man ; no. 2 .
Art¡culo en inglés.
Conceiving relatedness : Non-Substantial relations among the Kamea of Papua New Guinea. - Norwich-ENK : Page Bros, 2004. - p. 287-306 : il. - Trimestral - Vol. 10, no. 2, (Jun.2004) - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute. Incorporating Man ; no. 2 .
Art¡culo en inglés.