Vigil, James Diego. A rainbow of Gangs :
Liebow, Edward.
Vigil, James Diego. A rainbow of Gangs : Street cultures in the mega-city. xviii, 213 pp., figs., illus., bibliogr. Austin: Univ. Texas Press, 2002. - Norwich-ENK : Page Bros, 2003. - p. 827-828 - Trimestral - Vol. 9, no. 4, (Dec.2003) - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute. Incorporating Man ; no. 4 .
Book reviews. Social anthropology.
Art¡culo en inglés.
Vigil, James Diego. A rainbow of Gangs : Street cultures in the mega-city. xviii, 213 pp., figs., illus., bibliogr. Austin: Univ. Texas Press, 2002. - Norwich-ENK : Page Bros, 2003. - p. 827-828 - Trimestral - Vol. 9, no. 4, (Dec.2003) - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute. Incorporating Man ; no. 4 .
Book reviews. Social anthropology.
Art¡culo en inglés.